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Устойчивая Энергия

Energy Management System

for BESS-based Microgrids

Optimal power definition of  Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) based on energy measurements

Before implementing a hybrid system, the customer faces the following questions:

  • What are the technical advantages of a hybrid system?

  • Capital Costs?

  • Payback period?

  • Automation of control?

  • Modularity and possibility of system expansion in the future?

Technical advantages

  • Energy independence

  • Uninterruptible power supply

  • Efficient use of energy resources (smart management)



  • Opportunity to reduce capital costs by up to 20%

  • Define optimal power/capacity of ESS

  • Accurate calculation of the payback period due to taking into account many factors

Energy Management System

  • Smart Control

  • Day-Ahead Prediction

  • Participation in the ancillary services market


Main Outcomes:

  • Due to object-oriented calculation, optimization makes it possible to reduce capital costs by up to 20% compared to standard recommendations for equipment selection

  • Estimation the performance of future equipment with existing equipment, based on current consumption and generation power measurements

  • Define optimal power/capacity of Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)

  • Define ratings of the grid inverter and associated electrical equipment

  • Feasibility study, accurate calculation of the payback period due to taking into account many factors


  • Comprehensive study of modes in the power grid during equipment operation - short-circuit currents, protection actions, harmonics, power flows

  • The ability to see the operation of equipment in emergency / abnormal mode

  • The possibility of finding errors in technical solutions, analytical calculations, at an early stage, which has a positive effect on the timing of the project and cost


  • Estimate number of cycles and resource of ESS

  • Analysis of ESS process technological shutdowns caused by max/min SOC, max/min Vbat. Taking into account shutdowns in payback calculations

  • Evaluation of different EMS control strategies to optimize the technical and economic performance of the system

  • The need to install a new/additional solar station, gas generator, determine their power

  • Analysis of results, development of recommendations

What is taken into account in calculation

Load (private house, apartment house, factory)

  • easurements of electricity consumption over time. This characterizes the behavior of the load during the day/week/month/year.

  • Specific industrial equipment that provides reactive power, inrush currents, additional harmonics, etc (if available)


  • Measurements of electricity consumption over time

  • Grid limitations (e.g. power limitations, power outages for a certain duration, unstable voltage, etc.)

  • The cost of electricity, taking into account zones or different prices during the day

Solar power plant

  • Measurements of electricity generation over time.

  • Variation in the power of a solar power plant

  • Generation variation depending on seasonality

Battery energy storage system

  • Battery capacity variations

  • Inverter power variations

  • Battery characteristics (NMC/LFP/LTO, serial/parallel connection of cells, dependence on load current)

  • CC/CV controller

  • Charge/Discharge logic

  • Limitation on SOC and charge overvoltage

Diesel/Gas generator

  • Load consumption characteristics

  • Efficiency characteristic

  • Fuel cost

Energy Management System

  • Conventional home control system

  • Grid controller (when considering grid-related modes - peak shaving, Frequency Containment Reserves (FCR), Frequency Restoration Reserves (FRR), Replacement Reserves (RR) etc.)

Energy Management System

Smart EMS Microgrid Basic 

For local hybrid system <100 kW (house)

  • Smart Control: efficient use of energy resources

  • Smart accumulation / discharge using different electricity costs during the day

  • Energy independence, Uninterruptible power supply

  • Quasi Power: quasi-increase the power of the main input by Peak shaving

  • Fuel Saver: generator control to reduce the number of starts, engine hours, use the generator at the point of maximum efficiency

  • Load Shifting: load transfer during overloads by powering consumers from the ESS and restoring the battery charge when favorable conditions exist

  • Peak Shifting: accumulation of energy from a solar power plant at moments when generation exceeds local consumption

  • Source Priority: selection of power supplies for the consumer

Smart EMS Microgrid Pro

For a local hybrid system with prediction >100 kW (enterprise)

  • All previous features

  • Day-Ahead Prediction

  • Quality of supply: ensuring the necessary parameters of power supply quality - voltage, phase synchronization, harmonic distortion

  • Smart Charge: smart power management of charging stations for electric vehicles, prioritization

  • Peak Shaving: reduction of load peaks at the start stage of such consumers as pumping equipment, ventilation system motors, etc.

  • Local reactive power compensation mode

EMS Grid 

Power grid stabilization >1 MW

Participation in the ancillary services energy market:

  • Frequency Containment Reserves (FCR),

  • Frequency Restoration Reserves (FRR),

  • Replacement Reserves (RR) etc.

  • Virtual Power Plant Mode

This approach allows us to see the operation of equipment as an interconnected physical complex with control system, and determine the optimal control scenario to obtain the best technical and economic indicators.



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